Dream 3D Printing Soonicorns: Essentium, ICON & More
As of July 2021, 291 companies achieved the coveted mythical $1 billion status, far surpassing any previous year’s peak, according to financial platform Crunchbase.

As of July 2021, 291 companies achieved the coveted mythical $1 billion status, far surpassing any previous year’s peak, according to financial platform Crunchbase. With 2021 proving to be a record year for unicorns, many emerging 3D printing startups could soon join the exclusive club. In the first part of this article series, we discussed several soon-to-be-unicorns, or soonicorns for short, but with so many featured-pack 3D printing trends this year, it’s difficult to limit our list to only five companies.
We’ve rebranded! PrinterPrezz is now Zeda, Inc. Five years ago PrinterPrezz was formed by 4 founders with the idea of using advanced manufacturing technologies to better orthopedic implants. Today, we are a global company servicing all highly regulated industries, including medical, space, defense, and aerospace. Zeda represents the strengths of both PrinterPrezz and Vertex Manufacturing, and our focus on starting from Z to A: customer first, product after.